User interface with Node-RED dashboard.
The GOcontroll Moduline III and IV are standard pre-programmed with Node-RED. Node-RED is a well maintained, open source graphical programming environment which enables the user to program their control algorithms with the help of nodes.
Node-RED comes with so called core nodes for most common interfaces and functions. Since the project is open, a lot of contributes have made specific nodes for interfacing and control. Simply adding these nodes, extent the possibility for the GOcontroll Moduline.
Node-RED dashboard is a third party initiative that is well maintained and highly integrated to Node-RED. These dashboard nodes provide an second web service that brings up an user interface. Signals can be visualized, buttons, sliders can be added to enable input from users.
Only a webbrowser is needed to acces this dashboard. Since the GOcontroll Moduline has build in WLAN, a tablet can be used as a wireless dashboard/monitor device.
Node-RED dashboard nodes.
Almost any UI element that is required for a common dashboard, is available in the dashboard categorie from the Node-RED environment.
If the user requires some element(s) that are not part of the common dashboard nodes, A template dashboard node is available. This node can be used to deploy custom HTML-CSS code for specific dashboard features.
More information about the available Node-RED dashboard nodes can be found on the dedicated Node-RED dashboard web page.
Visualize data from control algorithm.
The dashboard nodes can read JSON objects directly. Simply filter out a specific parameter by key will provide the UI element with data belonging to the specified key.
Data coming from GOcontroll nodes such as CAN nodes or the module nodes, can be visualised directly based on key. For example, if a voltage from a sensor is measured with the input module, it can be visualized directly using a gauge element