Kraker Trailers
Kraker Trailers is specialized in moving floor trailers and has been developing and manufacturing these special trailers since 1989. Development and production are completely done in house, from their facilities in Axel in the Netherlands. Kraker Trailers has been incorporating user experience and user feedback since day one, resulting in the best moving floor trailer on the market, which not only shows in user experience, but also offers the longest service life of any moving floor trailers.
More information about Kraker Trailers.
Smart Trailer
GOcontroll has developped a custom sensor to measure the wear of the moving floor. This offers the owner of a trailer the ability to directly couple wear and tear of a trailer to trailer use and or payload type. This information can be monitored from an online portal due to the implementation of a GOcontroll Moduline Mini I with a 4G/LTE connection and our cloud visualisation services.
Activities GOcontroll was involved in sofar:
- Delivery of Moduline Mini I controllers
- Development of custom wear measurement sensor
- Design of wiring diagrams
- System architecture consultancy
- Software development
- Development of Cloud-based fleet monitoring dashboard
Alongside this smart connected trailer, GOcontroll has been part of the development of the Kraker E-Trailer. This revolutionary trailer has a built-in E-axle, which can convert brake energy to electrical energy. This electric energy can later be used during acceleration to further increase fuel economy of the vehicle. In some applications this can result in a total fuel saving of 25%. This project has been subsidised by the province of Zeeland, alongside Kraker Trailers there were many partners involved in the development of this revolutionary new trailer. GOcontroll has delivered a Moduline Mini I for this project and further developped the software that the HAN University of Applied Sciences had developped for Kraker Trailers.
Activities GOcontroll was involved in sofar:
- Delivery of Moduline Mini I controller
- Design of wiring diagrams
- System architecture consultancy
- Software development
- Development of GUI interface to assist truck driver